Designing solid aluminium bike frames.

The excitement this week has been seeing some downhill mountain bike frames, designed by our very own Toby Bradley for Solid Cycles UK, come to life. We’ve been following their progress on Solid Cycles UK Facebook page, and finally, they are fresh off the CNC machine and they look great; solid aluminium, beautiful, unique, mountain bike frames. Infact this has to be the very first solid machined cycle frame, from one part that we know of!

Geomagic Design X mapped all critical components, angles, holes and bores.


To see the video on Facebook click here

We really enjoy collaborating with customers on projects, inputting new design ideas and challenging accepted manufacturing techniques!

Contact us to work with our design engineers and laser scanning team!

Unit 18, Chambers Way
Thorncliffe Park Estate
Newton Chambers Road
Sheffield, S35 2PH

Tel: +44(0)1709 546 453


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